This Tudor style house looks like something you might expect to see in a quiet English village. However, this property is actually an abandoned house in Arkansas.
Located on 629 West Poplar Street, in Paragould, Arkansas this Tudor property features a steeply pitched roof and large stone chimney that stands out amongst the far more traditional properties in the area, most of which are bungalows.
Built in 1928, this three-bedroom, two-bathroom house in Paragould, Arkansas has had numerous updates over the years.
However, the property still has many of its original features, such as hardwood floors, wall panels, a grand stone chimney, a stone fireplace, and its original Tudor-style diamond pattern windows. The property also had its very own carriage house located at the end of the yard.
Towards the end of 2018 this quirky abandoned house in Arkansas finally sold for $30,000. If any work has been done on the property yet we simply don’t know, however, the photos from the listing show just how much work would need to be done.

The main living room as seen from the balcony.

Staircase and balcony overlooking the main living area.

The room feels more like the inside of a church than a house, however, it offers a lot of space and some great original features.

At the back of the house are the kitchen, bathroom and a door leading onto the backyard.

The bright red kitchen doesn’t look like it’s been updated for many years.

One of the three bedrooms inside the house.

Another bedroom, featuring plenty of original wood paneling.

No room will need more attention than the bathroom! There is no saving this bathroom suite.

The basement, which features a fireplace, could easily be turned into a great room with a little work.

In the basement lies a secret tunnel, follow the tunnel and you will find yourself……

….inside the carriage house at the bottom of the yard. The carriage house is now being sold separately to the main house. It faces on to W Highland Street, which runs parallel with W Poplar Street.
The carriage house now has the address of 628 W Highland Street and was being sold as a separate property. After years of neglect, it also sold at the end of 2018 for $30,000. With the two properties being purchased just 48 hours apart, it’s possible that they may have both been bought by the same person with the dream of keeping them together.
However, we don’t currently have any evidence to prove that, we can only hope. The Carriage House features two bedrooms, two bathrooms and of course a secret tunnel.
This is how the property looked before being sold at the end of 2018……

The Carriage House, facing onto W Highland Street.

From this angle, you can see the back of the main house behind the Carriage House.

Living space upstairs, above the car garages.

One of the two bedrooms in the Carriage House.

Boarded up bedroom windows show just how badly looked after the property has been in recent years.

The bathrooms are both in a bad state, with this room being so small it has meant the need for a very small bathtub.

This bathroom doesn’t look much better than the last one. It’s been a long time since anyone took a bath in here.
At least it wouldn’t take a long time to run one of those baths.
I’m 6’5, I don’t even think I would attempt a bath in something that size.